Helping teens discover God's Word and His plan for them

At Heritage Baptist Church, we strive to help teens discover the reality of God's Word, the greatness of His plans, and the way to make decisions that will have a positive, lifelong impact for the future. Each week, teens come together to worship, fellowship, and grow through relevant Bible teaching, exciting activities, and meaningful connections.
Our youth group is all about building lasting friendships and experiencing the difference of a genuine, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ can make. Whether it's Sunday worship, our AWANA program, or our fun-filled Thursday night meetups with pizza, games, and fellowship, we provide

a welcoming space where teens aged 13-18 or in 6th - 12th grade can connect, grow, and thrive.
Our youth leaders, Tyler & Janel Elliott are passionate about guiding and growing alongside our teens, helping them navigate life's challenges while having fun along the way. Bring a friend and get ready to enjoy action-packed fun, and laughs, and making lasting memories with #HBCYouthGroup!
Contact us for more information about our adult ministries.
We hope to hear from you soon.